Cosmic Riddles

Christian Piaget, éditeur & fabricant
    Délai de livraison:3-5 jours
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Author: Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

A clear answer to the endless doubts and contradictions in the life of men and women in this world. This is an answer to innumerable questions put to the enlightened author during his wide tours in the countries of the East and West.

Cosmic Riddles is an important work of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati. Culture, as many artists understand it, unifies the people and enters them through song, literature, cinema, theatre, etc. Many messages pass from this fact by the culture. This is also an approach to the relation between man and God. It contains a perceptible description and specifies many of the riddles of existence to help human beings to an understanding.

More details here extracts Cosmic Riddles (pdf)

ISBN : 978-2-940393-02-2, size 148 x 210 mm, 144 pages
