Bharata Shakti, Satyan at Danavam

Christian Piaget, éditeur & fabricant
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Author: Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

The rishis and yogins of Bharat have developed a dynamic energy by hard spiritual disciplines. This energy of Yogic force is called ‘Bharata Shakti’. Bharata Shakti is the fountain of peace, bliss, light, love and cosmic energy.

Satyan at Danavam is the fourth of five volumes of Bharata Shakti. Bhoga tells Satyan, how the Danavas rose to power. Danavam is the lower vital egoistic world. Danavas, born to the ancient Bhoga and the titaness Maya, are hostile forces that thwart the divine advent. They multiply by promiscuous intercourse, like germs of an epidemic, only to dominate and vitiate humanity. Mavali and Analan are the present Danava kings, titans of indomitable strength and inordinate egoism.

More details here extracts Bharata Shakti, Canto four (pdf)

ISBN : 978-2-940393-43-5, size 148 x 210 mm, 371 pages
