Bharata Shakti, Sadhana Kandam

Christian Piaget, éditeur & fabricant
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Author: Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

The rishis and yogins of Bharat have developed a dynamic energy by hard spiritual disciplines. This energy of Yogic force is called ‘Bharata Shakti’. Bharata Shakti is the fountain of peace, bliss, light, love and cosmic energy.

Sadhana Kandam is the third of five volumes of Bharata Shakti. Now we return to Siddhinagar. Shuddha’s mind was agitated by conflicting thoughts. He disliked ease, luxury and the burden of royalty. He yearned for an atmosphere of calm serenity, to develop his spiritual power by which he wanted to transform the asuric forces. He sought a way to solve the riddle of life tortured by mental pricks and vitals thorns.

More details here extracts Bharata Shakti, Canto three (pdf)

ISBN : 978-2-940393-42-8, size 148 x 210 mm, 471 pages
